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7 Tips To Surviving The Times

  1. Drink Water. Start everyday with a bottle of warm water with a few drops of key lime will help reduce the mucus building up in the body that causes inflammation, as well as, improves the overall health of our immune system. Water consumption is very important and I'm sure we all know this. So when grocery shopping get enough water that can last you at least a month at a time. Water is something we don't want to get caught without, if another scare takes place.

2. Reach Out To Family. Times are changing but, our love for one another doesn't have to. Long distance relationships is something that we find synonymous with our intimate partners but, now more than ever it is important to reach out and touch our family members the best way we can. It may be something as simple as a text message that says "just thinking about you, I hope all is well" or even a FaceTime video or a zoom conference call with multiple family members. This is not the time we want people within our family fabric to start feeling isolated. The love that you give is the love that you get. So reach out to family. Love conquers all things.

3. Gut health. Try a 24 hour fast or intermediate fast. Science has shown the overwhelming benefits of a 24 hour fast. From improving cardiovascular health to strengthening our memory and even eliminating some cancer cells from the body. We all know fasting isn't a easy thing to do but, like we tell our children when faced with adversity, you can do hard things!

4. Exercise Daily. Its not about trying to have that beach body before the lockdown is over. At least not to me but, it is important to give our selves enough challenges that create opportunities to deposit checks into our confidence bank. A walk that produces some sweat, a bike ride or some jump rope will do the trick. Every day do something light to keep your momentum going and remind yourself that "the body is the temple" and its the home that is our most precious possession.

6. Think Moringa! Try our moringa products, plant a moringa seed and grow a tree of your own. Connect to nature by researching some of the benefits the miracle tree has to offer. Stop brushing your teeth with toothpaste that carries fluoride because it is a known neurotoxin, instead try our fluoride free moringa toothpaste. You won't be disappointed!

7. If you have children, be prepared to homeschool this year and in the future. A good way to get prepared for the inevitable is to connect with families who have experience with the process. What can happen is you may be able to get relevant information that pertains to effective strategies to keep your child engaged in learning outside of school. Developing homeschooling cooperatives will be a necessity in the months to come.

  • Create Society

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